Im presently watching the final match in the world cup on alexs bed with her and her brother...well Im not really watching it, Im catching up on internet related buisness...
This week is going to be hectic because of Eoghain's birthday on Saturday...Mam is so nervous about the house not being ready...but I know itl all get done in the end...I am the master of completing impossible tasks at the last moment...procrastination is my middle name
I read Twilight because Eclipse was a better movie then Twilight was...but Twilight the book...lets just saw a 13 year old girl could have knocked out something ten times better...
Ill read the rest of them, only because I cant just leave it at that, and it was easy mindless reading, which took no effort or time at all...
After that, ill have to find something better...
After Eoghain's birthday im going to start designing my next tattoo...That will keep me excited about that!
So doing stuff around the house, gardening and general tidying up, then hopefully get my room finished, its so nearly there...we got the lawn cut today, so thats a relief...just bits and pieces...and hopefully, if all goes well this week, ill be able to go up to sligo next week and visit grace and liudas and bug bug :) That will be bliss indeed :)
3 months ago